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Hello 2020! Don’t forget the planning inquiry starts soon…

Updated: Jan 11, 2022

Welcome to a new year and a year of opportunities, exciting discoveries and challenges for our community… plus the planning inquiry starts on Tuesday 14 January!

The next, and hopefully final round in the ongoing saga continues next week with the re-scheduled Public Inquiry resuming on Tuesday 14 January. The appeal will be decided by a different Inspector from the previous one.

The Pickwick Association will continue vigorously to support the Council in defence of this unwarranted and entirely speculative appeal.

Do join us if you can as a display of strong local support can be very helpful, especially on Day 1 (Tuesday), at the Council Chamber, Monkton Park, Chippenham SN15 1ER where proceedings start at 10am.

A flyer to remind residents in the village about the planning inquiry has been sent out by Pickwick Association – download the flyer.


Resounding YES for Neighbourhood Plan

Corsham Neighbourhood Plan

The Pickwick Association was delighted with the outcome of the 14 November 2019 referendum – 93% of the 2,428 electors who voted did so in favour of the Corsham Neighbourhood Plan.

The Plan now forms part of Wiltshire Council’s Development Plan and the policies in the Neighbourhood Plan will be given full weight when assessing planning applications that affect land in the Corsham Neighbourhood Area. So this will be an important guide to future developers wishing to build in Corsham.


Collaborations with Regis Academy

Following the highly successful ‘Pickwick Capers’ event as part of last October’s ‘Corsham StoryTown’, further collaborative activities with the Regis Academy have arisen…

Governors needed at the Regis Academy

Chris Denton, Chair of Governors at our local primary school – Regis Academy – is on the lookout for some new school governors. A few of the Governors currently on the team will shortly be coming to the end of their term. If there is anyone in the Pickwick Association – or indeed the wider community – who would like to be involved please email Chris Denton at

Volunteers needed

Chris Denton is also in the early planning stages of organising a bonfire and fireworks display for later this year on the Regis Academy school field on the opposite side of the Laggar from the school. Two volunteers from the Pickwick Association are already involved for the firework display, but a number of other helpers, stewards etc. are still needed. Please email Chris at


A glance back at 2019

We might be in the depths of winter but let’s not forget what a fantastic series of summer events we had in 2019. Here are some of the highlights:

Reminders of summer – the annual cream tea party raised £700 in 2019

  • The splendid walled garden open day at The Garden House raising over £600 for Young Dementia UK and a Cheshire Home in Zambia.

  • The Pickwick Association’s annual cream tea party in the glorious garden setting at Pickwick Manor raising £700.

  • The open garden weekend at Middlewick House attended by over 2000 people and raising £40,000+ for The Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust and Wiltshire Air Ambulance.

  • A barbeque at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church celebrating Father John’s retirement and welcoming Father Michael Fountaine as the new parish priest.

  • The award of the Level 1 – Establishing Award 2019 by The Royal Horticultural Society and South West in Bloom for Corsham to Pickwick Association’s team.

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