It’s over 10 years since Gladman, early in 2013 ,launched their opportunist proposals to put 150 houses and 2 office blocks on this grade-two agricultural site opposite the Catholic Church north of the A4 in Pickwick. That application was ultimately defeated. Now Origin 3 (June 2024) have launched a virtually identical proposal.
Latest News:
UPDATE: July 2024
Origin 3 submitted their planning application for 150 houses and 1550 square metres of Class E development on 11th June 2024 on behalf of GTBE LLP. Comments were invited by 18th July 2024 and over 200 objections were submitted by local residents, the CPRE and Corsham Civic Society. The Pickwick Association have submitted a comprehensive objection (running to c 45 pages) and Corsham Town Council have also objected. The application has been "called in" by the local Wiltshire Councillor so, unless refused, the application will need to be considered by Wiltshire Council Northern Area Planning Committee. We will monitor progress and keep residents updated.
Chris Johnson
UPDATE: September 2022
The Gladman appeal against Wiltshire Council's refusal of the development was finally dismissed by Inspector James Murray in a written decision dated 25th June 2021.This meant final closure of the matter after 8 years and two separate inquiries.
As a postscript - this left the matter of costs in respect of the delay to the inquiry caused by Gladman to be resolved and these were finally settled by Gladman in April 2022.
The Association is grateful to all those who supported us financially, and otherwise, to arrive at this successful conclusion. We do still have interest free loans outstanding to be repaid and any further support anyone can provide would be much appreciated.
Chris Johnson
UPDATE: 3 March 2021
The seemingly never-ending Public Inquiry into Wiltshire Council’s consistent refusal to allow development over a licenced stone mine in Pickwick has resumed – and again been adjourned.
The Inquiry, chaired by a senior Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State, heard last week from our own expert witnesses how Gladman’s attempts to mitigate the noise from mining a few metres below the houses proposed to be built on the site were likely to fail and how water logging within the foundations would guarantee failure. Matters, of course, disputed by Gladman.
Both the Council’s and Gladman’s planning officials also rehearsed their opposing views as to whether specialist foundations were required for the office blocks proposed for the site. Having listened intently to the proceedings, the Inspector then adjourned the Inquiry to allow each party to complete their summing-up statements. These will be heard when the Inquiry resumes (virtually) on 6 April.
Tony Clark
UPDATE: 30 January 2021
Firstly thank-you to all those who ‘attended’ last week’s Planning Inquiry proceedings – some twenty to thirty each day for at least some of the time. It is very comforting to see that the Association’s ongoing activity on this matter has considerable support amongst our community.
Four days of intensive legal scrutiny led us closer, but the definitive conclusion – the Inspector’s decision – is still a fair way away. A further two days’ public hearing are needed (scheduled, 24/25 February) with possibly a third – likely to have to be in April. The Inspector has determined (quite properly in our view) that he must visit the site before hearing final submissions from all three parties and only then will he make, write and publish his final conclusive decision – appeal allowed or dismissed. The finishing post is within sight.
This week saw exchanges on the geology of the site, the presence – or otherwise – of endangered species (of bats) and, critically, whether the Inspector would be able to be certain that noise and vibration from mining activity just a few metres below any building on the site will cause no nuisance at all at any time in the future.
We hope that those able to listen to any of this week’s proceedings were impressed by the highly professional performance of our team, which we modestly suggest has been a credit to us all.
David Taylor & Tony Clark
UPDATE: 1 January 2021
A Public Inquiry was originally planned to take place in July 2019 to decide on the merits and legal compliance of Gladman’s three appeals against Wiltshire Council’s repeated refusal to approve their proposals. That Inquiry was postponed when the Inspector hearing the case fell ill. It was resumed under a different Inspector in January 2020. But immediately adjourned – at Gladman’s request to enable them to ‘tweak’ the foundations they proposed for the buildings.
The coronavirus then struck – and following repeated attempts to get it re-started is now set to take place from 26 January 2021.
The Pickwick Association will continue vigorously to support the Council in defence of this unwarranted and entirely speculative appeal.
David Taylor